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Ryan Payne Band Concert Review

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

by Mudman

North East, Maryland — Last night, I watched the Ryan Payne Band perform for a crowd of several hundred. It was an enthusiastic crowd for an effervescent band. In between songs, Ryan would crack jokes and revel the emotional stories behind the writing of his songs. Now, the unusually thing about this crowd was the age range. The concert was at a children’s over-night camp with the average age of attendance being somewhere around 14. Even though it wasn’t their usual crowd, the band performed flawlessly. Their stage presence rivaled that of Jet. (A concert I saw only a few weeks ago.) For such a young band to have such stage savvy… well let’s just say I was impressed.

They played mostly original songs. Though I was hearing them for the first time, they were so catchy that I was able to sing along by the end of the second verse. The Ryan Payne Band consists of four members: a drummer, an electrical guitarist, a bassist, and a lead singer who plays both keyboards and acoustic guitar. When they started playing, I was taken aback. After I heard the skillful mix of electric and acoustic guitar, I was blown away. They may be small but I highly recommend checking them out at their website:

You can buy their CD on their website.

The Ryan Payne Band

The Ryan Payne Band