Comments on: The New Hookah Bar in Pheonixville Entertainment, Music, Videos, MP3 For Free Sat, 31 Jul 2010 03:41:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hookah Hookah Sun, 13 Jun 2010 20:31:32 +0000 I wish we had more good hookah bars around me but sadly the laws and taxes make it very hard for good ones to establish themselves. I prefer the traditional ones as well that are not making money off of drinks (a big money maker) and don;t charge stupid amounts for the tobacco. One session in Boston costs around 30 dollars. I wish we had more good hookah bars around me but sadly the laws and taxes make it very hard for good ones to establish themselves. I prefer the traditional ones as well that are not making money off of drinks (a big money maker) and don;t charge stupid amounts for the tobacco. One session in Boston costs around 30 dollars.
